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 Romantic,great story, has vampires

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Little Mousie
Little Mousie

Number of posts : 15
Registration date : 2010-09-20

Romantic,great story, has vampires Empty
PostSubject: Romantic,great story, has vampires   Romantic,great story, has vampires EmptySun Oct 10, 2010 3:28 pm

The Vampire Diaries seasons 1-2 is absolutely amazing! I am a guy which may be a little weird, but The Vampire Diaries seasons 1-2 dvd is actually really good! It is bloody good fun, Smile and is great at keeping you locked into it! I love the whole vampire plot of The Vampire Diaries seasons 1-2 dvd boxset and stuff, because I think Kevin Williamson is amazing! The "Scream" series writer of The Vampire Diaries 1-2 dvd doing a TV show?! Count me in! I love the characters, too! My favorites are Damon, Mr. Saltzman, and Elena! Stefan scares me, but Hahaha whatever! I also love watching promos for upcoming episodes of The Vampire Diaries dvd because all I do is smile and think to myself, "Why can't The Vampire Diaries be now???!!!" but the only thing that is bad is the schedule. Thursday night TV is a very crowded night for me and a LOT of people. The Office, 30 Rock, The Mentalist, Parks and Recreation, Community, Sports... It is great to fit The Vampire Diaries seasons in, because I would clear my whole
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Romantic,great story, has vampires
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